During the most acute phase of the Covid-19 emergency, Smart Working involved 97% of large companies, 94% of Italian public administrations and 58% of SMEs, for a total of 6.58 million agile workers.
What initially emerged as an extraordinary situation, designed to counter the global pandemic, now represents everyday life for many. The Covid-19 emergency, in fact, has accelerated the transformation processes, giving a sprint to technological development, which is lagging behind in Italy, and allowing the various sectors of Italian business to abandon more expensive and obsolete systems.
In the fashion system, the sector in which Fase Uno SRL operates, there have been a large number of inconveniences, many due to the cancellation of trade fairs, necessary for the purchase of raw materials and the presentation of new collections. To overcome this problem Fase Uno SRL has adopted a remote sales system, developing a customized virtual showroom.
Not being able to rely on the experience at the fair, during which the clothes can be touched and looked at closely, it was necessary to develop photographic material that would allow the remote customer to have a complete view of the garment on sale. In fact, the customer can view the proposed looks, see precisely the items that compose them, choose the article that interests him, look at the detailed photos, view the video of the garment worn and read a technical sheet of the article.
Customers, for their part, did not show any difficulties in purchasing, on the contrary, they probably appreciated the speed of a purchase of this type, which does not require travel and related costs, among other things. The material is always accessible for the customer, and in this way he is allowed to place an order in complete autonomy and tranquility.
The adopted measure have also brought various benefits to the company and its employees. The virtual showroom allows you to work remotely to upload the data necessary for the sale, and allows sellers not to necessarily go to the company as the material is always available online. This allows you to reach new customers from all over the world, who in the current situation, still affected by the spread of the virus, are unable or unwilling to move.
What had been imagined as a momentary and passing situation, destined to surrender to the most conservative pressures, instead begins to become a new way of conceiving the company and sales: more dynamic, more accessible and smarter.